Let's Connect!
I teach all levels, ages and abilities!
Join a class, schedule a private session, request a customized program for your group or event. Virtual sessions available.
Have questions or want more information? Please contact me!
"Christine is a wonderful instructor! She is very knowledgable, patient and kind and she consistently reaches out to engage all class participants. She gives clear, easy-to-follow directions and encourages us as we are learning new things." - Jane, Ed.D. Educational Consultant, Ephrata PA
"This class has really changed my life. I react more calmly in stressful situations. I definitely feel a shift."
- Harriet, West Chester PA
"I am consistently amazed at how much I feel a difference after such easy movements - I'm a fan!"
- Sue, Honey Brook PA
"It's really helping my balance with practice each week." - Kate, Honey Brook PA
"Since coming to class, my arthritis has become better and I do the hand massage almost daily."
- Betty, Honey Brook PA